- Texas Instruments ez430-Chronos-433/915 運動手錶無線開發工具套件 手錶型穿戴式科技的開發套件,與部落格上控制小車使用的那一套 ( eZ430-Chronos-915 ) 不一樣之處是在頻率,這是使用 433MHz 的套件,意味著可以使用一般的 433MHz 的無線發射接收模組與其互通資料。
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Source:http://www.ontarioparking.com |
兩位來自特拉維夫 ( Tel Aviv ) 大學的學生 Ido Livneh 和 Gil Freidlin,使用軟體無線電裝置 ( RTL-SDR, Software Defined Software ) 負責接收及破解閘門遙控器的訊號,再將遙控器的訊號解碼後複製到 TI eZ430 運動手錶裡,當手錶的按鈕被按下後就會發出跟閘門遙控器相對應的控制訊號出去,此時閘門就會很容易地被開啟或是關閉。
第一個步驟是使用 HDSDR ( High Definition Software Defined Radio ) 硬體及軟體接收來自遙控器的訊號,在經由 Windows 裡的無線電軟體解出訊號,然後將訊號編碼下載到 TI eZ430 運動手錶裡。
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訊號解碼及複製階段 |
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遙控器發射器 ( 右 ) 與接收器 ( 左 ) |
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近看遙控器的發射 ( 右, PT2260 encoder ) 與接收 ( 左, PT2272 decoder ) 的晶片 |
如果看過部落格裡的 "[ Wireless-RF] 使用樹莓派模擬 HT12E 遙控器編碼晶片的編碼格式" 就會發現兩者最終目的是相同的,只不過差別在所使用的發射端接收裝置與所要破解的晶片,觀念上是可以相通的。
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訊號傳送階段 |
- A standard PC running windows.
- TI ez430 Chronos watch kit, along with its RF access point and, and reprogramming dongle. It costs 58$ (as of May 2014) directly from the TI e-store, or 99$ from amazon.
- RTL-SDR USB Radio kit. We specifically used RTL2832+R820. It can be bought for about $10-$15 at eBay.
- The remote control that you wish to copy.
- TI Chronos Control Center. It installs the drivers for the access point as well. Installing the 3rd party drivers on windows8 might be problematic. If so, follow these instructions to proceed.
- TI Code Composer Studio V5. Use this IDE in order to compile and upload the code to the watch platform. Watch this for good initial tips for working with the IDE. You can otherwise use the control center to update the code on the watch without connecting it directly to the computer. This is a slower process and much more costly as per the watch's battery life.
- The code of our Chronos project. You can find it here.
- Aiding python scripts. You can find them here. In there you will find:
a. configure_chronos.py – our configuration tool that connects to the watch through its RF access point.
b. chronic.py – library needed for communication with the Chronos watch.
c. analyze_signal.py - our analysis tool that will analyze the original RF signal, and output the needed configuration for the watch.
d. gilido_params.txt - this is the parameters file output for our remote control. You don't need it, but it can be used as reference. - Be sure to be running python2.7. You also need to download the pyserial python library. We recommend using pip tool that finds, downloads and installs the correct version of python libraries.
- The HDSDR software and other necessary tools, as well as a practical "how to" guide can be found here. A good and comprehensive installation guide can be found here. Higher permissions are required for the installation process.
- You can visually analyze the wave file outputs using the open-source audacity platform which we recommend. It's not needed in order to complete the task, but it's nice and it helped us in debug. If you have access to MATLAB environment, it can be easily done through it as well.
整份文件 ( 23頁 ) 可由此下載:Copy2GO: Low cost copy lab for simple remote controls using TI-Chronos platform .pdf
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