2013年1月4日 星期五

10 個使用 Raspberry Pi 的創作

source: Michael Coghlan

現在世界上很多的人使用 Raspberry Pi (樹莓派) 這台小 PC,創作出屬於他們自己的作品,ars technica 網站的一篇文章 "10 Raspberry Pi creations that show how amazing the tiny PC can be",整理列出了 10 個使用樹莓派的創作

  • A Pi-powered arcade cabinet

  • Raspberry Pi in the sky: Sending images from near space

    The Raspberry Pi's view from near space.

  • Siri, open the garage door

  • 64 Raspberry Pis form an HPC Lego cluster

  • The BeetBox: A musical instrument consisting of a Raspberry Pi and beets

  • Anonymous surfing: A Raspberry Pi Tor node

  • Turning the Pi into a Super Nintendo—with a real SNES controller

    That's a Raspberry Pi inside a Super Nintendo.

  • Building a Raspberry Pi laptop

    Enlarge / LapPi: A Raspberry Pi Netbook

  • A Roomba robot

  • Who needs Google Glasses? Here's a wearable Pi PC

    Enlarge / Yep. It's just as awesome as it looks.
    Enlarge / The full contraption.

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