2013年2月1日 星期五

PiFace Digital Projects 影片分享

觀看 PiFace Digital 在 2012年在曼側斯特科學展的展示影片

reallife redstone - raspberry pi + piface + minecraft

This is my most recent project with a pi. with a piface this was the most natural thing to do...
The minecraft server is running a mod written for bukkit,the mod is publishing any change in the redstone to.
The pi is running an mqtt server, with a script to push notifications on mqtt out to the pins, and from the input pins over to update the levers in the minecraft mod. happy crafting....
( from:http://www.element14.com/community/groups/raspberry-pi/blog/2013/01/14/reallife-redstone--raspberry-pi-piface-minecraft )

Andrew Robinson demonstrates PiFace Digital for the Raspberry Pi

Pi-Face Digital plugs directly onto the top of your Raspberry Pi, and allows you to sense and control the real world. Detect switch states, for example from a door sensor, a pressure pad or any number of other switch types. Then write your own software for Raspberry Pi that determines how to respond to that switch state. You can drive outputs to power motors, actuators, LEDs or anything you can imagine - including a twittering chicken!
( from:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HHfeWTV0Kc&feature=player_embedded )

Raspberry Pi - Helps Keep New Year Resolutions - and protect your biscuits and cakes

Simple Raspberry Pi Project to stop cupboard raiders and help sticking to a diet -- Uses text to speak to remind people not to eat cake and (optionally) shames them by telling the world via twitter of their snacking habits. - A bit of fun for a first project with a Raspberry Pi, with chances for expansion. For more info see http://piface.openlx.org.uk , http://pi.cs.man.ac.uk
( from:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s02n7juVZaY&feature=player_embedded )




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