學習樹莓派週邊不容錯過的學習利器 "Assembled Gertboard (Rev2.0)",心動不如馬上行動!!露天賣場:
Assembed Gertboard (Rev2.0) - 利用 Raspberry Pi (樹莓派) 學習與開發電子 (週邊) 的最佳拍檔
PiGertboard 套件 (A) - Raspberry Pi (樹莓派) Gertboard 嵌入式套件
PiGertboard 套件 (B) - Raspberry Pi (樹莓派) Gertboard 外接式套件
Gertboard - Buffer I/O ( + switches and LEDs ),source: Gertboard User Manual (Rev 2.0) |
另外,在網路上找到這英文的說明可作為參考,若還是存在疑問請自行 Google 一下 !!!
Buffers (in analog circuits) are used when you need to lower the impedance/increase current capability. They're also useful if you want to tap a signal in a circuit and don't want to put a load on that circuit that might cause the voltage to drop. For example, you might have a circuit that generates a signal and you want to bring that signal out to an external connector that you can plug a data logger or whatever into. If you put a buffer in between the original signal and the data logger output, you don't have to worry about the data logger causing a voltage drop on the original signal. Or if you accidentally short out the output, the circuit won't be affected or damaged.
Another use for a buffer is if you have a chip that has a high output impedance (such as an accelerometer) which you want to feed into a ADC that has a lower input impedance. The ADC would load the accelerometer too much and the voltage will drop; the buffer will prevent that.
Digital buffers are used as logic inverters (inverting buffers) or as simple buffers similar to the analog example above (to increase fan-out capabilities or to protect circuits against shorts when going to an external connector).